Teaching Internships

Programs & Internships

 California Community College Internship Program

A traditional graduate degree from a research institution generally does not provide the student adequate preparation for a career choice of teaching in a community college. The CCCIP addresses this need and gives students an opportunity to experience firsthand what teaching in a community college environment is all about. More information about next year’s program is available in the CCCIP flyer.

Pedagogical Fellows Program

UCIrvine fosters excellence in graduate student teaching, and one way we do so is through the Pedagogical Fellows program (PFP), an initiative of UCI’s Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation. Highly effective and experienced TAs are chosen as PFs. The PFs receive advanced pedagogical training that they will use in the services they provide to new TAs during the annual TA Professional Development Program. In addition to receiving advanced pedagogical training, PFs learn valuable strategies for success on the academic job market, including job search strategies, writing a compelling cover letter and CV, and writing a teaching philosophy statement. In addition to these professional development benefits, PFs receive a $2,000 fellowship! For more information about this exciting professional development opportunity, and to submit an application to become a PF, please see the Pedagogical Fellows program website.


Graduate students who are interested in advanced pedagogy and mentoring other graduate students can apply each year for the Pedagogical Fellows (PF) Program.

The PF Program is a highly regarded “preparing future faculty” program; selection is competitive, based on a record of excellent teaching, promising scholarship, and service to the University, department, and the disciplines’ professional community. The PF Program provides advanced pedagogical and professional development in an interdisciplinary community that emphasizes professional and personal support. In addition, Fellows receive personalized assistance with preparing for the academic job market. Click here for more information

CSU Long Beach Pre-Professor Program

The PRE-Professor Program (PREPP) is designed to support the University of California, Irvine (UCI) doctoral students’ and postdoctoral scholars’ transition to a faculty position by engaging them in a semester-long program at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB). In addition, PREPP is a blueprint to support CSULB’s efforts to foster a pipeline for prospective new faculty. The goal of PREPP is to immerse participants in the life of a faculty member at a comprehensive master’s granting institution. PREPP fellows will have individual mentorship from an experienced Faculty Mentor in three broad categories: InstructionUnderstanding the Campus Culture, and Service.

We accept applications from candidates with expertise in any discipline/department represented at CSULB (please see link for departments at CSULB https://www.csulb.edu/academic-affairs/colleges/colleges-departments). Underrepresented students are encouraged to apply.

PREPP Fellows will be partnered with a CSULB Faculty Mentor who will oversee the project. Fellows will learn what faculty life is like at a comprehensive master’s granting institution. Your doctoral studies and post-doc positions prepare you for research and scholarship, which is a large part of the job. This program focuses on the other components of a faculty position, instructionally related activities (teaching, curriculum, mentoring students), service activities, and how research is conducted at a master’s comprehensive university. 

Instructional activities are a broad topic that encompasses teaching (and all the tasks associated with that) and mentoring. Teaching is a rather broad category that includes several tasks from planning for instruction, planning and teaching lessons, and mentoring students (teaching in small groups or one-on-one).

Fellows will learn how a campus runs and the role of a faculty member within the structure of a comprehensive university. First and foremost, Fellows need to learn about department life within their field(s). How does a department run, what’s expected of new faculty, and in what role(s) do junior faculty engage? How is research carried out, and what forms of support are there for research? These questions will be answered by participating in a variety of tasks, discussions, and assignments.

I = Instruction, M = Mentoring, C = Campus Culture, S = Service, JR = Job Readiness

  • Develop a Syllabus (I)

  • Prepare and teach two class sessions in a course within your eld (ideally one lower-division and one upper-division) (I)

  • Observations of teaching with debriefing (I)

  • Identify instructional support services on campus (I)

  • Curriculum Committee (I, C, S)

  • Attend a department meeting (C)

  • Meet with Department Chair (C)

  • Tenure/Retention Expectations (C)

  • Understanding Shared Governance (S, C)

  • Components of a good cover letter (JR, C)

  • Inclusive Excellence Statement/Teaching Philosophy Statement (JR, C)

  • Attend a lab meeting (M)

  • Attend a mentoring meeting between faculty and student (M)

Other Program Benefits

  • CSULB will pay for parking

  • UCI will contribute a small stipend to support travel of PREPP Fellows ($500).

Interested doctoral students and postdoctoral scholars will prepare an application and submit the following documents to be reviewed by UCI and CSULB program faculty.

Application system is currently closed.

A PDF with these instructions is available here: Application Instructions 

Please prepare the following documents, and once you have completed them, please complete the PREPP application and upload your documents to https://tinyurl.com/CSULBPREPP

  1. Curriculum Vitae

  2. Personal Statement (500 words or less) which focuses on the following prompts:

    1. Tell us about yourself. 

    2. Why are you applying for this program? What do you hope to gain from the experience? 

    3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 

  3. Teaching Interest / Experience Statement. Your statement might include responses to the following prompts (500 words or less)

    1. What teaching experience have you had? Describe your strengths and weaknesses as an instructor. 

    2. What do you want to learn about teaching and instructionally related activities? 

    3. What do you think teaching diverse undergraduate students might look like?

    4. What do you think would be the most effective approaches to teaching diverse undergraduate students? 

    5. Describe a particular memorable teaching/learning episode.

  4. UCI Research Mentor Approval Form – to be emailed directly by Mentor (Download) 

  5. PREPP Application Confidential Data Sheet  (Download)

For more program information, contact PREPP@CSULB.EDU