Graduate Interconnect Program

International students face additional challenges during their academic experience including a new culture, language differences, and developing new support networks. The Graduate InterConnect Program supports the successful transition of international graduate students and scholars. This program offers opportunities to network with others, practice English, and learn about American life and culture to ease the transition to UC Irvine.  

If you have any questions about the Graduate InterConnect Program, please contact the International Student Support Officer

We’re looking for graduate students from all different disciplines and backgrounds. If you have never been a peer mentor in the program before, please use the following application link.

If you have served as a peer mentor during your time at UCI, use the application for returning peer mentors. More details about the different opportunities found in the application.

An experienced graduate student mentor will help with your transition to the campus and the Irvine communities. You will receive communications from your mentor starting during the summer, prior to your arrival. During fall quarter, if you choose to continue to be connected with a peer mentor, you and your peer mentor will meet to discuss professional development pathways and resources specific to the Ph.D. or Master’s track. 

Visit the Graduate InterConnect Blog to read their bios and informative posts.

Use these helpful tools for managing your move to campus.

You will find helpful information on the Graduate InterConnect Blog about graduate student life written by Graduate InterConnect Peer Mentors. Topics include transportation, things to do in the local area, campus life, and more. On and off-campus resources are highlighted to assist with your student needs. Details about upcoming Graduate InterConnect events are updated throughout the year.

The Program in Academic English offers a number of courses and services that are designed to help international graduate students succeed at UCI. In addition, they are provide language testing for international graduate students needed for admissions and teaching assistantships. The courses and services are for students in all academic disciplines. 

  • Courses in pronunciation, conversation, presentation, grammar for writing, graduate writing for scholarly publications, thesis/dissertation writing

The International Center provides immigration services, including SEVIS complinace, visa documentation and related advising for international students and scholars.They also host programs and activities to provide students, scholars, staff and faculty the opportunity to engage in intercultural learning while fostering skills and knowledge related to international education