UC Leads

Four people smile at a table while using laptops

The 2022-2024 UC Leads Application will be Available
Winter 2022

UC LEADS seeks to serve the following objectives:

  • To increase diversity of graduate students in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) within the University of California
  • To facilitate coordination among campuses to identify, encourage, mentor and train undergraduates of high potential, so as to increase their competitiveness for admission to University of California doctoral programs (i.e. Ph.D.)
  • To foster high quality candidates for University of California doctoral programs through faculty mentoring, experiential learning in summer research programs, and involvement in professional and scientific societies
  • To prepare future leaders in industry, government, public service, and academia whose demographics reflect the growing diversity of California’s population and to increase the diversity of student contributors to science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines


  • Applicants must be students from disadvantaged backgrounds (educationally or financially)
  • enrolled at the University of California, Irvine as science, technology, engineering or mathematics majors
  • must be U.S. Citizens, U.S. permanent residents or AB540 eligible. 
  • minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • must plan to graduate no earlier than June 2024.

Program Components

Undergraduate Mentorship Experience

Scholars are matched with UC faculty members, who serve as advisors and mentors. Mentors assist the scholars in developing and completing a plan of action. This plan includes research experiences, graduate school preparation and exploration, as well as attendance and participation at regional or national professional and scientific society meetings and conferences. Mentors also assist scholars with academic and research hurdles.


Academic Enrichment and Graduate Preparation Opportunities

Scholars have the opportunity to participate in academic enrichment programs that provide special training in areas critical to academic success. These programs include:

  • Two summer research experiences
  • Fellowship workshops
  • Preparation for the GRE
  • Scientific writing
  • Preparing academic presentations
  • Academic career planning
  • Development of specific research or research-related skills
  • Campus visits to other UC campuses
  • All UC LEADS Scholars are expected to participate in the annual “Research & Leadership Symposium”. The event features:
    • Scientific and academic presentations by leaders in the STEM fields of study;
    • Opportunities for scholars to present and receive feedback on their individual work from faculty and graduate students;
    • Presentations about research opportunities at each UC campus to allow scholars to make informed decisions about their second summer placement;
    • Presentations about graduate programs of study within the University of California; and presentations by California industrial and governmental leaders

Summer Programs

The first summer experience will be at UC Irvine and the second summer will be at another UC campus of the student’s choice.  Students should expect to put in a full-time effort on their projects, which may include work on evenings and weekends if the project and mentor/advisor require it,  but not exceeding 40 hours/week. Research mentors will expect continual and sustainable work throughout the summer program. Students should expect to meet at least once a week with their research mentor/advisor, or more often depending on the project and the mentor’s arrangement.

Students will be expected to meet with the program coordinator bi-weekly during the summer program to discuss the progress of the research project. Attendance at all workshops/events and the GRE preparation course is mandatory.

Two Year Program Timeline

First Year of UCI UC Leads Program

First Summer Program (after scholar’s sophomore year)

  • Scholars participate in research full-time (35-40 hours per week) and attend all required events and activities
  • Scholars receive a research stipend of $4000*
  • Scholars receive on-campus housing

Academic Year Program

  • Supervised research experience with faculty advisor/mentor
  • Complete Action Plan
  • Visit at least one UC campus
  • Research and select potential second summer faculty mentors at various UC campuses
  • Attend at least one scientific conference/society meeting
  • Attend scheduled workshops/meetings
  • Attend and present at the UC LEADS Research & Leadership Symposium
  • Attend and present at the UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium
  • Attend the Southern California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education
  • Attend the SACNAS  or ABRCMS National Conference
  • Bi-Weekly individual meetings with the coordinator to discuss academic progress
Second Year of UCI UC Leads Program

Second Summer Program

  • This research experience will take place at another UC campus
  • Scholars participate in research full-time (35-40 hours per week) and attend all required events and activities 
  • Scholars receive a research stipend of $4000*
  • On-campus housing arranged by the selected campus summer program coordinator

Academic Year Program

  • Supervised research experience with faculty advisor/mentor
  • Complete Action Plan
  • Visit at least one UC campus
  • Attend at least one scientific conference/society meeting
  • Apply to at least six graduate programs, three of which need to be at the University of California
  • Apply to at least three fellowship opportunities
  • Attend scheduled workshops/meetings
  • Attend and present at the UC LEADS Research & Leadership Symposium
  • Attend and present at the UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium
  • Attend the SACNAS National Conference

Visiting Lead Scholars

UC Irvine Graduate Division welcomes visiting UC LEADS students from other campuses. The benefits of doing your second summer at UC Irvine are:

For more information about the UC LEADS second year experience please contact Mariela Menendez.

Summer Research Program for CSULB BUILD Students

UC Irvine’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program offers undergraduate and master’s CSULB BUIILD students an opportunity to work closely with faculty mentors on research projects and provides an intense course of graduate preparation workshops. The program, which is designed for students who plan to pursue a Ph.D.  and enter academic careers, provides the tools needed to facilitate application, admission, and enrollment to graduate school. The SURF program is open to virtually all academic fields at UC Irvine. Qualified students with interest in pursuing their graduate program at UC Irvine are especially encouraged to apply.


Research Mentorship Experience
Scholars secure summer mentorship with UC Irvine faculty members whose special expertise and interests matches those of the student’s research interest and career goals. Faculty members serve as advisors and mentors and assist the scholars in developing and completing a research action plan.

Graduate School Preparation
Scholars participate in a graduate preparation component to provide special training in areas critical to academic success. This includes workshops and sessions on the following:

  • Successfully applying to graduate school
  • Successfully applying for fellowships
  • Academic writing
  • Preparing academic presentations
  • Academic career planning

Summer Research Program Symposium
SURF culminates with the Summer Research Program Symposium. All summer participants will present either an oral or poster presentation on their summer research. Preparation for participation in the symposium focuses on building effective oral communication to a range of audiences and helps participants hone their public speaking skills.

Networking Opportunities
Throughout the Summer Research Program, BUILD  participants will have the opportunity to share information and experiences with participants of other diversity programs including UC LEADS California Pre-Doctoral Program, SURF  and the Competitive Edge Program. Participants will also be assigned to a Graduate Student Mentor who will help facilitate their participation in the program, and will serve as a peer mentor and point of reference for the student. This is a great opportunity for participants to gain insight into the life of a UC Irvine graduate student.

Expectations of Student Participants

  • Scholars attend and participate in all activities
  • Scholars must commit to working full-time in their assigned labs (35-40 hours per week) for the full 8 weeks of the program
  • Scholars will have individual academic and research obligations with their faculty mentor/advisor
  • Scholars should expect to meet at least once a week with their research mentor/advisor, or more often, depending on the project and the mentor’s arrangement
  • Scholars will be expected to meet with the program coordinator during regularly scheduled meetings to discuss the progress of their research project
  • Scholars will be required to submit weekly assignments, including program evaluation
  • Scholars will be required to present their research at the University of California, Irvine Summer Research Program Symposium

Funding Package

  • The CSULB BUILD program will be providing summer stipends.
  • The CSULB BUILD program will be covering on- campus housing
  • GRE prep courses are not included with the SURF program for CSULB BUILD