Registrar and Degree Completion


Working together with the Graduate Division to assist graduate students with enrollment status/records, the Registrar offers a number of much needed services to students. As office of record, the Registrar offers on-line enrollment via WEBREG, assists students with requesting official transcripts, residency issues and other forms of verification as requested by students. Additionally, the Registrar’s office maintains all information regarding the academic calendar and fees. Some frequently used services offered by the Registrar’s office can be found in the box below.

Registrar’s Office
Schedule of Classes
WebReg (Online Course Enrollment)
Academic Calendar

Degree Completion

Upon defending your thesis/dissertation or successfully passing qualifying and comprehensive exams, it is time to submit your final degree paperwork, completing your graduate student career. Below is a general overview of what to expect during the degree completion process.


After successfully defending your dissertation, you then must submit your dissertation and all final degree paperwork by the degree deadline for the quarter. Submitting your final degree packet starts your final degree check. Additional final degree submission forms, a step by step manual as well as a submission instructions flow chart can be found at the appropriate link below:

Thesis/Dissertation Electronic Submission

Thesis/Dissertation Paper Submission


After successfully defending your thesis, you then must submit your thesis and all final degree paperwork by the degree deadline for the quarter. Submitting your final degree packet starts your final degree check. Additional final degree submission forms, a step by step manual as well as a submission instructions flow chart can be found at the appropriate link below:

Thesis/Dissertation Electronic Submission

Thesis/Dissertation Paper Submission


Upon completion of all required coursework and passing the comprehensive exam, students must notify their home department that they have completed all degree requirements including the exit survey and will be graduating that quarter. The official Graduate Division DocuSign final degree paperwork must be signed by the student and department/school then routed to the Graduate Division for the final degree check. Some departments may initiate the DocuSign form for the student while other departments expect the student to do so, please check with your department to determine the correct procedure for submiting the DocuSign form by the quarterly degree deadline. Please make sure when submitting the final degree paperwork to the Graduate Division that the exit survey verification is also attached. The official Graduate Division DocuSign form can be found here: Final Degree Paperwork for the Master’s Degree/Comprehensive Exam

Time To Degree

On average, most master’s degrees are completed in 2-3 years. To find individual program timelines with specific details, please contact your home department. For timelines for the Ph.D. and other degree programs, please see our Time-to-Degree listing. Prior to becoming a candidate for a graduate degree, students must advance-to-candidacy for the degree. Normal times for reaching the advancement-to-candidacy milestone are included in the Time-to-Degree document.